Thoughts,Songs,Writings,Rants,Encouragements, and Life

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Singing about Pores

This past weekend I had the opportunity to go to Singapore for a little R&R...(I shall not tell the true reason behind this little endevour incase some authority figures are watching this site!!) I was able to rest, read, sleep, eat, and read during this period of time...and man was it refreshing.

The historical landmarks I visited were two I had not seen in quite some time. So I decided to pay a visit each day to each one of these sites. The first was my all time favorite 7-11...the only place to get slurpees and hotdogs for under a buck. This is where I would purchase a snickers bar, sprite "ice", and two Tuna fish sandwiches, my favorite, I am a sucker for a good tuna sandwhich.(As refrenced above with Calvin and Hobbes). The second place of high regards was Burger King. Here we pay homage to the Jr whopper, Biggie sprite, and the medium fry. Overall I think my sightseeing was very fulfilling.

The highlight of this trip was getting to the airport (three hours early) in Singapore and soon after ariving being told that my direct flight to Hyderabad had been cancelled. This began a twelve hour tour from Singapore to Bangkok, Bangkok to Delhi, Delhi to Hyderabad. five-teen of us were supposed to be on that dierect flight to hyderabad. five-teen strangers to begin with. And yet over the course of 12 hours these strangers became acquaintances and soon were traveling companions. Watching each others back, luggage, and made sure the whole group was present. Funny how God throws curves at us like this sometimes. He pulls us out of our comfort zones and tells us, "hey, why dont you live a little!" To be honest with you...I enjoyed every minute of this adventure...


Blogger Kevin said...

OK, so I saw the title of this post and thought "Huh?". Took me a minute to catch on. I was looking for a connection to the cartoon.

Thanks for the link, btw.

9:21 PM


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