Thoughts,Songs,Writings,Rants,Encouragements, and Life

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Wake up call...

Hi ho, Kermie THE Frog here...with your latest Hyderabad news...

A couple nights ago "Big Bird" and I had plans to pick up some friends from the airport. Now "Grover" wished to come too and said he would be ready by 11:45. So a little after midnight "Big Bird" and I walked downstairs to get "Grover". But "Grover" was not answering the door. We tried knocking, door bell ringing, cell phone calling (it was in another room), and we thought about throwing rocks through his (non-glass) window to see if we could hit his door. We could see that the light was on, but "Grover" was just not getting up. So we decided to go across the way to "Elmo's" house. We thought we would be able to bang on the wall and try and wake him up that way. Then we saw that there was a 3x4 deck area. We could see "Grover's" window. We searched the house for anything long enough to bang on the window with. I quickly found a mop. After about ten minutes of pounding and thinking "Oh please Lord, don't let him be dead" (thoughts like, perhaps he slipped in the shower, or had a heart attack were streaming through my little muppet head.) After seriously banging and calling out "Grover's" name for about ten minutes, I saw a shadow in the room. And the window being propped open. I yelled, "Hey, Grover, its time to go to the airport to pick up "Bert" and"Ernie". He quickly came to the front door and soon we were on our way to the airport. On the way to the airport "Grover" told "Big Bird" and I that he thought it was crazy birds at his window again... possibly the same ones that starred in Hitchcocks "The Birds." We laughed at this. At the airport we found out that the arrival of "B and E" was going to be a while. This while, turned out to only be about a 2 and half hour wait for "Bert" and "Ernie", but it was good to see friends again once they did step into view.

Overall... it was a very fun and interesting night. Gave me a few scares, but it was worth it.

Also no Muppets were hurt in this dramatic presentation...

Kermit The Frog signing off...


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