Thoughts,Songs,Writings,Rants,Encouragements, and Life

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Green Album!

Track listing:
1. Muppet Show Theme Song, OK Go
2. Rainbow Connection, Weezer and Hayley Williams
3. Mahna Mahna, The Fray
4. Movin’ Right Along, Alkaline Trio
5. Our World, My Morning Jacket
6. Halfway Down the Stairs, Amy Lee
7. Mr. Bassman, Sondre Lerche
8. Wishing Song, The Airborne Toxic Event
9. Night Life, Brandon Saller of Atreyu and Billy Martin
10. Bein’ Green, Andrew Bird I
11. Hope That Something Better Comes Along, Matt Nathanson
12. I’m Going To Go Back There Someday, Rachael Yamagata

Coming to a Starbucks near you-August 23 2011

Thursday, June 23, 2011

It is coming...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Josh Garrels

This picture was taken from the one at the Rabbit Room

I recently was turned onto the music of Mr. Josh Garrels thanks to a post by Pete Peterson in The Rabbit Room

Love & War & The Sea In Between is 18 tracks of pure joy. The entire album is a process. I highly recommend you check him out. Oh yea, did I mention you can get the entire album free! Check it out--> Josh Garrels

Not sure yet? Here is a video to saturate your senses.

White Owl-Josh Garrels

Cool huh? Download now!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A prophecy in tongues?

In the year 2005 I found myself in India for a year. Throughout that year I saw, experienced, and learned many things that helped nourish my faith in Christ, but at the same time helped me question what I actually believed.

One of the adventures that I went on was a month long journey with a group of students from the college I worked at. This was a time for the students to put into action what they had been learning for the past few months, we called it Practical Training. Basically a hands on experiment to see if the students could put into motion what they had been learning over the past few months.

We stayed on a church compound that was right next to a temple. Many strange things happened while on the property of the church. One of these things was a visit from some foreigners all the way from New Zealand. They were quite eccentric and even for me a little over the top. The church however was packed with villagers from all over the area, many were gathered outside peering in open windows. During this, I was somehow offered a short opportunity to share my "story" and sing a song I had recently written on guitar.

The guitar was new for me. I picked one up in India and began plunking out tunes. And soon was writing my own. I played the first song I ever wrote with a guitar that night. Later in the session, one of the New Zealand folk gave a main sermon and then the pastor of the compound also shared a few opinions he had on the topic as well. Towards the end of the evening, there was to be a time of "prayer" and healing. The healing wasn't what I was worried about. I had seen a good portion of this already happening in my travels. It was the "prayer" part that was a little iffy to me.

You see, it was more like praying over people in tongues. I was a little insecure and unsure about the whole speaking and praying in tongues situation. So, I lowered my head and began praying for my own peace and God would be glorified that evening. I prayed for everyone in the room. I prayed for spiritual healing. I prayed for my students that they would be used somehow that evening. And then I felt this hand on my shoulder, a woman's hand, a New Zealand hand.

The two of us began talking about the situation. We talked about speaking in tongues. then she asked if I had ever been prayed for in tongues? I said, "No...not that I am aware of."

"Would you like to be prayed for?" nudged the woman.

Some small voice inside of me said, "Just go with it Ben." I really didn't want to offend her and really did not see any harm in her gentle gesture.

"Sure?" I offered. And then she began to pray in a "language" that I didn't understand. (this being funny as I was in a country where I didn't understand the language and needed a translator already. She may have been speaking Greek for all I know.) However, every few moments she would say a random phrase or a few words as if in translation. For the most part, she was hitting home on some of the things she was saying. Then out of the blue she says something about China and me involved someway with it. I immediately brushed it off and thought I don't have a desire for that...ever. I don't want to go to China. I shrugged off the situation and actually called my father a few hours later. Dad and I talked through the situation and I had some peace after our conversation ended.

I had forgotten about this experience and and the specific things said until just recently. I was sitting in church when a connection was made that goes back to that New Zealand woman with the thick accent and I believe "good" intentions. You see, in the end of September of 2010 I took a job working with Chinese Youth here in Oregon. I was slow to believe that the woman praying over me was telling the truth, today I think she was partially right. Although I do not live in China, and have never been, I am currently working with the Chinese people group, especially the youth.

For me it is a constant reminder that God is always laying the ground work of our current stories and our future ones. I didn't understand it back then, but today, I realize how God is constantly (even though it feels so slow sometimes) working in our lives. All in His time of course. Funny how HE reveals himself to us and we don't understand it until later. I love that about this adventure we are on!

The Word

"But herein is the Bible itself greatly wronged. It nowhere lays claim to be regarded as the Word, the Way, the Truth. the Bible leads us to Jesus, the inexhaustible, the ever unfolding Revelation of God. It is Christ "in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge," not the Bible, save as leading to Him." -George MacDonald