My last post was a poem I wrote the other I will explain it...
I have one thing to say today about hurricane Katrina. This is a tragedy. This is chaos. This is a sad state of affairs. Some people genuinly wish to help (and are), some people say it, but wont step up to the plate. People sit in their houses and blame Bush for not helping. The journalists report the disaster and then move onto the sports update (no emotions added). And then the people involved in the situation are in pain, need support, and help. But what about the warnings?
You see, they knew Katrina was calling. They were told to leave (they stayed put). They were given a chance to claim safety. Many fled, but many aslo stayed. And now the world blames Bush and the U.S. Government. Now the world (USA mostly) claims ingnorance. And folks, I am sick of it!
The problem is not the governments. It's not Bush's. It is not even New Orleans or America's. The problem is...YOU! Yes, No Joke. The problem lies within us all. We see the need and then pass on it for something closer to home or more comforting. We need to do something about this...
This issue (New Orleans) reminds me a lot of the worlds view of the church (as an organization). People expect to walk into a church and be fed or ministered to. The thought of them ministering never crosses their minds. WHY? "oh, that is the job of my pastor and his staff, not mine." WRONG!!! The church is not meant to be the
only ministers. We are supposed to be the ministers. We are supposed to be going into the community and showing Christ's love and compassion. Not the church or in Katrina's case...the government.
We as a country need to get off of our butts (i would love to use another word here), and start doing some action. Quit hypothisizing and go do it!! Even if you are 3,000 miles away...use your brain, I am sure you can figure out a way to get involved (pity does not count).
Jesus perspective:
Jesus was the greatest servant ever. (you are now asking what servanthood has to do with KAtrina...I say...Everything!) We as believers are called to be servants...right now we need to answer that call.
Simply put...
1. Chose service over self interest.
a) don't ask about what the government/ country should be doing. ask what you can do for the country. (This should not be the simple should take you out of your comfort zone)
2. Think like a servant.
a) We need to have the right attitude, not aptitude.
b) It is our mindset, not our ability.
Philippians 2:5-11 (read it for yourself in your own version please)
c) When a servant does something, it is always for the good of another, never for his own goopd.
d) A servant puts the interests of God and others ahead of his or her own.
Check it out...some more perspective
John 13:4-5
Peter didn't like this at all. He believed Jesus, as the guest of honor, should not be doing this (washing the feet of the disciples). Have you ever stopped and wondered why Peter got so ticked?? Perhaps because Peter knew it was not Jesus responsibility in the first place. Washing feet was the job for the lowest of slaves (some people might put the government in this position). This was unheard of! Jesus was their teacher. If anything, they should be washing His feet.
You see "The room was filled with proud hearts and dirty feet. The disciples were willing to fight for a throne (perhaps better taxes), but fighting for a towel (Katrina) never crossed their minds." In other words..."We are willing to bash the government and blame them, when we should be the ones picking up th slack and pulling the weight."
We are so keen on blaming and pointing the finger. And yet really, what are we doing to help? We are called to is a perfect opportunity. Will you chose to blame your government, hide behind your fritos and telivision, or figure out a way to get the job done? I am sure you can come up with something...
I leave you with this story...these are not my words...i do not know who wrote this...but it fits well...
The Four People-
This is a little story about 4 people named EVERYBODY, SOMEBODY, ANYBODY, and NOBODY.
There was an important job to be done and EVERYBODY was sure that SOMEBODY would do it. ANYBODY could have done it, but NOBODY did it. SOMEBODY got angry about that because it was EVERYBODYS job. EVERYBODY thought ANYBODY could do it, but NOBODY realized that EVERYBODY wouldn't do it. It ended up that EVERYBODY blamed SOMEBODY when NOBODY did what ANYBODY could have done...